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About the program

This program is free! -- Thanks to our teen volunteers

The purpose of our conversation partners program is to connect students with a partner that will work with them to improve their ability to comfortably converse in English, a critical life skill. The partners are also given the option to continue to converse outside of their planned lessons. Lesson plans are given to the volunteer which covers possible conversations they may encounter on a daily basis such as talking to a group of friends, expressing yourself in a doctor's office, or in a library. While fostering a genuine friendship between the two partners, we hope to advance our students' English skills.


HOw it works

To become a partner and join our Conversation Partner Program, all you have to do is click the button below to fill out a form. Soon after, we will connect you with your partner, and you will be able to start having sessions with your conversation partner. We look forward to meeting with you and observing as your conversational language gets enhanced!


Below is a list of our friendly, fun and passionate partners that are really looking forward to meeting you and speaking with you! Take a look to get to know a little bit about them!

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